Fact 1: Your mortgage loan is the largest and longest commitment in your life!
How long are you going to serve your loan?
What's the percentage of your mortgage loan from your household income?
Check on it NOW before it is too late!
Fact 2: What we plan often turns out to the unplaned? Don't you think so?
Don't you want to stay in control on what we actually can control?
Or at least minimize our risk in deviating from our original planning?
Fact 3: Everything is rising! Yet our income remains ;(
Petrol, tol, bills, food, consumer goods etc are getting more and more expensive!
If one of them is fixed, is it a good news for you?
Fact 4: BLR never fixed or stay low!
Check on the historical BLR
What do you notice? and what can you say from the graph?
Is it now a good time to sign up for Fixed Rate?
Fact 5: Do you know for a RM 500k mortgage loan with a tenure of 30 years, due to the four increases of BLR since March 2010, the total interest payable increased by 27.6%?
Is this what you want?
If you want to
1) Have a GUARANTEED fixed housing loan installment
2) Know exactly how much you are paying for mortgage loan
3) Avoid the impact of inflation and the rise in BLR
4) Confirm tha date you will fully repay your loan and secure it
5) Real financial control and achieve stability
6) Have long term service
7) ultimately have a PEACE OF MIND
Kindly contact me to secure a fixed rate of 4.99% (Non ZEC) or 5.39% (ZEC) on your property or refinace your loan to SAVE MORE MORE MORE!
Contact me and I will make sure our conversation is beneficial to you!
Best Regards,
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